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2023 Lexus RZ 450e 71.4 kWh (313 Hp) DIRECT4

2023 Lexus RZ - Photo 1
Lexus RZ - Photo 2Lexus RZ - Photo 3

Key specs

Lexus RZ SUV 2023, 2024, 2025

What is the body type, Lexus RZ?SUV, 5 Doors, 5 Seats
What is the range of pure electric driving, 450e 71.4 kWh (313 Hp) DIRECT4?400 km
248.55 mi
What is electricity consumption, Lexus RZ 450e 71.4 kWh (313 Hp) DIRECT4?18 kWh/100 km
28.97 kWh/100 mi
116 MPGe
5.6 km/kWh
3.5 mi/kWh
How fast is the car, 2023 RZ 450e 71.4 kWh (313 Hp) DIRECT4?160 km/h | 99.42 mph
0-100 km/h: 5.6 sec
0-60 mph: 5.3 sec
How much power, Lexus RZ SUV 2023 450e 71.4 kWh (313 Hp) DIRECT4?313 Hp, 435 Nm
320.84 lb.-ft.
What is the drivetrain, Lexus RZ SUV 2023 450e 71.4 kWh (313 Hp) DIRECT4?All wheel drive (4x4). BEV (Electric Vehicle). One electric motor drives the front wheels, one electric motor drives the rear wheels.
How long is this vehicle, 2023 Lexus RZ SUV?4805 mm
189.17 in.
How wide is the vehicle, 2023 Lexus RZ SUV?1895 mm
74.61 in.
How many gears, What type is the gearbox, 2023 Lexus RZ 450e 71.4 kWh (313 Hp) DIRECT4?1, automatic transmission

Lexus RZ 450e 71.4 kWh (313 Hp) DIRECT4 2023, 2024, 2025 Specs

General information
Model RZ
Generation RZ
Modification (Engine) 450e 71.4 kWh (313 Hp) DIRECT4
Start of production 2023 year
Powertrain Architecture BEV (Electric Vehicle)
Body typeSUV
Seats 5
Doors 5
Performance specs
Fuel Type Electricity
Acceleration 0 - 100 km/h5.6 sec
Acceleration 0 - 62 mph5.6 sec
Acceleration 0 - 60 mph (Calculated by Auto-Data.net) 5.3 sec
Maximum speed 160 km/h 99.42 mph
Electric cars and hybrids specs
Gross battery capacity 71.4 kWh
Battery voltage 355 V
Battery technology Lithium-ion (Li-Ion)
Battery location Below the floor
All-electric range (WLTP) 400 km 248.55 mi
Average Energy consumption (WLTP) 18 kWh/100 km 28.97 kWh/100 mi
116 MPGe
5.6 km/kWh
3.5 mi/kWh
Charging portsLog in to see.Log in to see.
Electric motor 1
Electric motor power 204 Hp
Electric motor location Front axle, Transverse
Electric motor 2
Electric motor power 109 Hp
Electric motor location Rear axle, Transverse
System power 313 Hp
System torque 435 Nm 320.84 lb.-ft.
Length 4805 mm 189.17 in.
Width 1895 mm 74.61 in.
Height 1635 mm 64.37 in.
Wheelbase 2850 mm 112.2 in.
Drivetrain, brakes and suspension specs
Drivetrain Architecture One electric motor drives the front wheels, one electric motor drives the rear wheels.
Drive wheel All wheel drive (4x4)
Number of gears and type of gearbox 1 gears, automatic transmission
Assisting systemsABS (Anti-lock braking system)
Steering type Steering rack and pinion
Power steering Electric Steering